Tsuen Wan Government Secondary Technical School Alumni Association (TWTSAA)

The 2nd Executive Committee (Ex-Com) (2004-2006)

Minutes of the 6th Meeting


Date               :       11 January 2005 (Tuesday)

Time                :      8:30 p.m.

Venue       :      Conference Room, 5/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building, 244-252, Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong


Present          :       Mr. CHAN Chit-wai, Stephen                  Chairman

                                Mr. FAN Ying-ming                          Vice-Chairman (Internal Affairs)

Ms. FU Sau-lin, Cindy                              Vice-Chairman (External Affairs)

                                Mr. CHIU Kim-kan                                  Treasurer

                                Mr. CHU Kwok-fai, Alex

                                Mr. LO Fu-hop, Vincent

Mr. LUK Wing-hoi, Wesley

                                Mr. CHAU Ka-tak, Eric                           Secretary


In Attendance        :        Mr. HUNG Tam-yuen


Absent with apology       :       Mr. CHAN Kwan-yau, Nelson

                                                Ms. CHAU Wing-sze

                                                Ms. TANG Kit-wai

                                                Ms. LEE Lai-chun, Lily

Mr. CHAN Luen-chow

                                                Mr. CHEUNG Kwok-chung

Mr. MAK Hoi-wah


1.   Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting



The minutes of the last meeting was confirmed without amendments.




2.   Matters arising from the last meeting





The Chairman said that the website should have prompt response to current affairs, such as the recent tsunamis in South Asia. In this incident, he had written an email to all Ex-Com members appealing for members’ donations to the relevant bodies. After deliberation, it was agreed that Mr. YM FAN would arrange with Buddy to upload the Chairman’s message to the website. (Post meeting note : Chairman’s message had been uploaded and the website had been updated with a new look soon after the meeting.)





YM Fan


Members also discussed whether improvements, such as sound effect, could be made to the website. However, as sound effect might involve much memory space, it might not be possible at this stage to have sound effect in our website. It was also mentioned that photos for the Huai Ji Trip in December 2004 had been uploaded to the website.








One of the four sample designs had been selected as our new membership cards. It was agreed that membership particulars, including Name in English only and membership number with five digits, would be engraved on the card. The first 2 digits would represent the year of graduation and the last 3 digits would represent the membership number in the respective year. There would be a white band at the back for members’ optional signature. Mr. Y M FAN would arrange with Buddy to provide Mr. Stephen CHAN with a sample for his onward printing arrangement. The deadline of the production of the cards was one month before the AGM. The standard size of 1,000 cards would cost about $4,000.00 with the remaining unused cards reserved for later printing. It was agreed that the initial card would be free to members and administrative fee would be charged for replacement/lost cards.








YM Fan

Stephen Chan


Ms. Cindy FU reported that 4 new letters from the students of Huai Ji High School had been received. 2 would be allocated to Ms. Dorothy MOK, 1 to Ms. Pollie LUK. The remaining one was allocated to Mr. Eric CHAU at the meeting.







Regarding the proposal of running a primary school at the Alma Mater, Mr. MAK Hoi-wah had arranged a special dinner gathering with former teachers on 18 January 2005 for further discussion.



Mak HW

3.   Report of the HUCMS Committee (內地助學計劃委員會)





There was a HUCMS Committee meeting held at 6:00 pm to 8:20 pm just before this meeting and most Ex-Com Members attended it, too. It was reported that the major refurbishment works of the Xin Ning Primary School had been completed with some minor improvement works/items (such as paving the courtyard and provision of library) to be considered. Some school fees were paid in the Huai Ji Trip in December 2004 and some would be paid through Mr. CHIN Fuk-hing later.








After completing the home visits to the students of the Xin Ning Primary School, their school fee subsidies had been revised. On the other hand, new applications from Huai Ji Yi Zhong and Er Zhong were considered and approved as appropriate. HUCMS Committee members also had a discussion and agreement on the principle of spending money on Non-Educational Items.





Mr. Daniel WONG first joined the HUCMS Committee meeting and he was invited to join the Committee as a regular member.





4.   Treasurer’s Report





Mr. K K CHIU reported that the current balance was as follows :


(a) TWTSAA           :   $60,125.55

(b) TWTSAA (HUCMS)  :   $198,651.40

(c) TWTSAA (HUCMS)  :   $93,658.00 (in CCF’s account)







5.   Group Leaders’ Report





There was a Nil report.




6.   Newsletter “Tsuen Ching (荃情)”





Mr. Eric CHAU reported that the printing of the 5th issue of Tsuen Ching had been completed and tabled some to the members attending the meeting. The printing cost should be $2,800.00 but was mis-quoted by the printing company as $2,000.00. Therefore the cost this time was only $2,000.00. They would be sent out by post on 12 January 2005. The 6th issue would be in mid-July 2005.



Eric Chau

7.   Annual General Meeting(AGM) 2005





Ms. Cindy FU took the lead to discuss the preparation work of the AGM 2005. The followings were tentatively agreed :


Date : May 2005

Venue : BP International Restaurant

Purpose : To have an annual dinner with members and to report on the progress and the way forward of the TWTSAA. HUCMS Committee’s report would be the main theme. Donations would also be welcomed. (Post meeting note : The BP International Restaurant could not be booked and Yau Yat Chuen Club was suggested as an alternative venue.)





Ms. Cindy FU quickly informed members of the items/issues that needed to be taken care of. It was required to set up a Working Group to prepare for the AGM. After discussion, the following items/issues with the respective responsible Working Group members were identified :


Floor Manager


HW Mak, Raymond Cheung




KK Chiu, YM Fan, Amma Tang, Anita Leung



Cindy Fu



YM Fan

Hi Fi/Video Programme


Nelson Chan, Ah Ho



HW Mak



Stephen Chan, L C Chan, Eric Chau



Wesley Luk





Ms. Cindy Fu would book the venue first and then a Working Group meeting would be held to work out the details of the AGM. (Post meeting note : The first Working Group Meeting was held on 1.2.2005 at Yau Yat Chuen Club.)




8.   Any Other Business





It was reported that the donation ($2,200.00) from Mr. CHOW Chun-tung was still outstanding. It was agreed that a written request should be made to Mr. CHOW to demand his donation. Mr. Stephen CHAN would draft this letter for Mr. K K CHIU to issue.




Stephen Chan

KK Chiu


9.   Date of Next Meeting





The date of the next meeting would be announced later.



All to note


The Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.







                                                                                                          CHAN Chit-wai Stephen
